Financial data is a prerequisite for undertaking any business decisions. Improper, unreliable and
inconsequential financial data heavily hampers the organisation’s growth and plunges its future
likelihood of accepting subsequent development opportunities. One of the primary reasons for the
collapse of large businesses is the negligence in understanding the prominence of financial data
because of inappropriate maintenance of accounting records and deficient book keeping system.
A number of businesses have substandard book keeping system due to shortage of resources and
other reasons affecting their goodwill, financial performance, cash management and profitability.
KDA employs skilled personnel to deliver exceptional book keeping services. Services are tailored to
fulfil the client’s requirements so that highly acumen decisions can be undertaken for further business
expansion. Our services act as a benchmark & measurement tool for the success of client’s business
KDA provides the following services:
- Accounting services:
a. Accurate book keeping and organised accounting records in various organisational areas such as
sales, purchases, fixed assets register, payroll, debt finances consisting of loans and efficient
maintenance of financial statements with instant profitability & liquidity positions
b. Finalisation of accounts and adjustments of essential transactions in learned, optimal and most
tax efficient manner
- Business set up services:
a. Incorporation of Public & Private Limited Companies and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
b. Registration of foreign companies & wholly owned subsidiaries of foreign companies in India
c. Obtaining several licenses & certificates for an organisation by registering it with several taxation
departments and other statutory authorities
d. Setting up of systems & procedures and assisting newly commenced organisations with proper
planning of significant business outflows that are tax beneficial and regain faster liquidity
positions such as incurrence of capital expenditures, financial planning & efficient cash
management, et cetera