Auditing and its implications have profound significance beyond the statutory obligations and check
procedures. Auditing provides a deeper dive into the client’s business and it presents outcome to
identify & become conscious of the potential growth opportunities and vulnerabilities that could
affect the business. These results assists the clients in their future planning and decision making
taking into account all the uncertainties. Our valuable recommendations and thoughtful opinions
allow you to manage and mitigate most of the business risks.
Our audits are conducted based on the comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the client’s
business and operations. This enables us to improve the business policy, provide guidance on the
resolution of complexities generated in the execution of business strategies and accurately
authenticate the management information and controls. Our auditing practices and procedures are
in compliance with the standards on auditing prescribed by the regulatory authority. KDA advices its
clients on the optimum utilisation of the available resources by supplying the technical expertise and
necessary skills required for the same.
What makes us different?
- Systems & Methodology: We have invested considerable time & effort in developing numerous
methods, following customised standard procedures and creating automated systems so that our
firm maintains the highest ethical norms in the provision of quality services. The audit methodology
is constantly reviewed to ensure that it is updated factoring all the recent changes in auditing
- Forecasting & Financial Planning: Along with carrying out the audit procedures, we offer our
clients with complete financial planning and budgetary forecasts that aids in lowering of incurred
expenses, proper & timely deduction of taxes, et cetera.
- Literacy: We have specialised audit teams covering innumerable industries and different service
sectors that warrants them to focus on key business specifics, distinct areas of risk & potential frauds
and appropriate examination of internal controls. Moreover every client is engaged with a specific
partner that draws upon personalised attention and in-depth use of firm’s technical resources to
deliver quality services.
- Market Reputation: The firm serves as a trusted partner in the growth and development of many
businesses in Mumbai & suburbs and is ideally placed as primary choice among the clients for its
immediate problem solving capability. KDA has a valued goodwill built over the years based on
these disciplinary principles.
We provide the following assurance services:
- Statutory Audit: Continuous globalisation will increase the complexity of regulations. Increasing
litigations will carry important compliance implications. Ever growing competition is pressurising
organisations to enhance productivity. Statutory Audit provides reasonable assurance that the
financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP), they are free from any misstatements, errors and discrepancies and they stand in
conformity with the industry practices, rules and regulations.
- Tax Audit: The services provided include but are not limited to:
a. Reviewing the applicability of ICDS & related disclosures
b. Developing tax efficient strategies and manage your tax exposures considering the individual
business needs
c. Ensure that disallowances and deductions, if any, under the various provisions of Income Tax Act,
1961 are properly and accurately computed
- Internal Audit: In the wake of some severe corporate failures, expectations from internal audit are
changing, and there is a clear shift in how organisations view their corporate governance and
control environment. We offer sound advice on risk assessments and internal control procedures.
We ensure that the policies adopted in functioning of a particular organisation are in accordance
with the organisational goals and its future vision. We also thoroughly examine whether the best
practices are being implemented in the organisation’s success and growth.
Management & proprietary Audit: KDA has a management consultancy division which renders a
wide range of services in operational consultancy. Management audit & management assurance is
an integral part of this service. The services categorised under this segment comprises of: a. An in-depth review of management’s operational decisions and its effect on the business as a
b. Examination & development of Management Information System
c. Financial analysis of budgeting & costing policies adopted by the management
d. Risk assessment, Internal control procedure evaluation & appraisal of key management functions
e. Formulation of systematic operational procedures to be followed for day to day functioning of
the business
Stock & Fixed assets verification: Possessing comprehensive and up to date asset information is
paramount to the success of any asset intensive organization. Our scope of services can encompass
the following: a. Physically verifying all fixed assets within the client environment & linking each asset to its user
definable; category code, location, department, cost centre, et cetera
b. Certifying the accuracy of the asset amount and corresponding the amount to its general ledger
c. Compiling the asset management policy & procedure manual
d. Facilitate financial year end stock verification confirming the values are in association with the
relevant inventory standards
- Certifications: Some financial information needs to be certified for several purposes such as
obtaining finance, banking and regulatory requirements, third party confirmations, et cetera.
Classified under assurance services, we provide necessary certifications to our clients.